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Concert Program

Across the Alps
From Italy to Germany in the Early Baroque

Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
Salve, o Regina
from Seconda raccolta de' sacri canti/ ab admodum reverendo D. Laurentio Calvo in lucem editae (Venice, 1624)

Biagio Marini (1597-1665)
Sonata undecima a due
from Sonate, symphonie, canzoni, pass'emezzi, baletti, corenti, gagliarde & retornelli...opera ottava (Venice, 1626)

Giovanni Priuli (ca. 1575-1629)
Inter natos mulierum
from Ghirlanda sacra...L Simonetti (Venice, 1625)

Giovanni Battista Buonamente (d. 1642)
Sonata a tre sopra il Ballo del grand ducca
from Il quarto libro de varie sonate, sinfonie, gagliarde, corrente,e brandi per sonar... (Venice, 1626)

Johann Hermann Schein (1586-1630)
Herr, wenn ich nur dich habe
from Opella nova, ander Theil (Leipzig, 1626)

Biagio Marini (1597-1665)
Capriccio che due violini sonano quattro parti
from Sonate, symphonie, canzoni, pass'emezzi, baletti, corenti, gagliarde & retornelli...opera ottava (Venice, 1626)

Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672)
Paratum cor meum, Deus, SWV 257
from Symphoniae Sacrae I, Opus Ecclesiasticum Secundum, opus 6 (Venice, 1629)

Dario Castello (fl. 1621-1644)
Sonata ottava
from Sonate concertate in stil moderno, libro secondo (Venice, 1629)

Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672)
Exultavit cor meum in Domino, SWV 258
from Symphoniae Sacrae I, Opus Ecclesiasticum Secundum, opus 6 (Venice, 1629)


Giovanni Giacomo Arrigoni (1597-1675)
Benedicta sit
from Ander Theil geistlicher Concerten...A. Profe (Leipzig, 1641)

Samuel Scheidt (1587-1654)
Die IX. Symphonia aus dem D dur
from 70 Symphonien in Konzert-Manier (1644)

Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672)
Eile, mich, Gott, zu erretten, SWV 282
from Kleiner Geistlichen Concerten (Leipzig, 1636)

Erasmus Kindermann (1616-1655)
Sonata Giardino corrupto
from Canzoni Sonatae (Nuremberg, 1653)

Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672)
Herr unser Herrscher, wie herrlich is dein Nam, SWV 343
from Symphoniae Sacrae II, opus 10 (Dresden, 1647)

Anotnio Bertali (1605-1669)
Sonata a 3 in G major
from the Partiturbuch manuscript in the Herzog-August-Bibliotek (Gotha, 1662)

Christoph Bernhard (1628-1693)
Aus der Tiefe ruf' ich, Herr, zu dir
from Geistliche Harmonien (Dresden, 1665)

Listen to Us

We have chosen a few of our concert recordings for you to listen to. Please click on the links below to download mp3 files. Enjoy!


Sonata a 4

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Sonata 8 a 3

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Sonata 4 a 3

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