Passamezzo Moderno
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Cadenzas by Milton Granger

Johann Baptist Vanhal (Jan Krtitel Vanhal) (1739-1818)
Concerto in F for Two Bassoons and Orchestra

cadenza for first movement by Milton Granger
Listen to Vanhal "Concerto for Two Bassoons" cadenza

Cadenza written for Alice Benjamin and David Granger, bassoons
Performed by UCD Symphony Orchestra
Dr. D. Kern Holoman, conductor

The Vanhal Cadenza is also available for PDF download at Forrests Music.

If you need or would like your own cadenza for concertos for your instrument, Milton Granger can write it for you. Dr. Granger, noted pianist, conductor, and award winning composer, will provide you with a cadenza that is unique to your tastes, abilities, and preferences. The average cost for a cadenza is usually between $100-$150.

  • Cadenzas for any modern instrument for music from any era.
  • Cadenzas for any historical instrument for the Classical era.

Ordering a Cadenza

Notify Passamezzo Moderno at of the date of your performance, length of cadenza desired, and provide a score if needed. After studying the score, Milton Granger will call you to ascertain what strengths you would like to display in your cadenza, what you feel are the limitations of your instrument, and what particular aspects of music and/or your instrument you would rather not have approached in your cadenza. Milton Granger will then finish your cadenza, and send it to you.